You have worked really hard to lose pounds while reducing inches by performing an intense work out program. You have been completely dedicated with your face time at our Omaha Fitness Center. You educated yourself on clean eating, exercise tips and achieving goals by reading my knowledge filled articles. And hopefully by now you have been successful in achieving if not one several of your weight loss goals. The big challenge is that you still have loose skin around your body especially your legs. Ladies refer this problem as ‘cottage cheese’ legs which can also appear on the rear end. So you ask, “how do you get rid of that?”
Once weight loss is achieved you need to focus on new goals like tightening certain areas
or sculpting that killer-six pack. I even recommend focusing on a place of weakness like an exercise activity you find yourself hating. Mastering a new area or being pushed out of the comfort zone is always a good thing. When you push yourself with new goals you are keeping your body and mind strong while reaping the benefits of staying healthy. Now, onto the three suggestions I recommend for getting rid of those jelly jiggler legs.