No matter who you are, no matter what you doyou absolutelypositively do have the power to change.” ~Bill Phillips~

Let’s face it the major reason anyone wants to lose weight is to physically look better. We want to look good for ourselves and care about what other people think about how we look. This is completely acceptable as what we see on the outside will reflect our attitude on the inside. Losing weight does have major benefits beyond looking and feeling great. People who are healthier accomplish more in life regarding relationships, careers and accomplishing goals that they set. Those who live a healthy lifestyle will receive compliments from family and friends regarding their weight loss which improves self-esteem in one way or another. There is a science behind having your appearance be the major motivator for losing weight. You have to learn to convert all negative thoughts to positive ones. We can be the harshest critics of ourselves

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Today we are sharing videos of Bret Carter and AJ Christensen performing seated box jumps. Strength training is not limited to barbells and weights if you are part of the EPTS family you know this already. At EPTS, we get results by making all workouts challenging and taking you outside of your comfort zone. One of the most popular exercise techniques we perform is the seated box jump. Jumping is the best way to develop your rate of force development, basically develop strength and speed.

Give a round of a applause to these two guys, they make this challenging exercise look too easy!

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