Being within the Omaha fitness industry I come across plenty of resources that I pass onto our clients. A lot of the advice I pass on I have learned from fitness educational classes, life experiences and other experts within the Omaha fitness industry. Today I am sharing the article I shared on Facebook last week from Craig Bongelli at Westside Barbell.

As a Omaha Personal Trainer, I have high respect for Westside Barbell and became certified through their program.  If you ever have a chance to visit their gym, do it! These guys are industry leaders when it comes to strength training programs. This gym is always willing to help you learn what you need to gain muscle while providing the education needed to know why you are doing what you are doing.

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Several people crave to have a killer six-pack like ‘The Situation’ but have no idea what it takes to achieve. Getting a killer six-pack takes a intense workout routine, a clean diet and a dedication that goes beyond hitting the gym two times a week.

As an Omaha Personal Trainer at Endless Possibilities Training Systems, I have provided four ab expectations from my part one Tummy Tuesday education section. Over the next few weeks I will help answer basic questions like, “How do I trade in my keg of a tummy and get a full six pack of light beer?” and “Will I ever get magazine abs?”

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People may think that visiting a gym is only needed when looking to lose weight for an event/summer vacation, this is NOT the case. Visiting a gym often can help your body reach its ultimate health and even void common colds. As Certified Personal Trainers in Omaha we offer people the opportunity to meet and exceed fitness goals. Often time’s people will see their weight loss results faster if they have a personal trainer involved versus attending the gym by themselves. Why do you ask? First a personal trainer is an industry expert; we know what works and what doesn’t. We become a life coach for each client by holding people accountable every day, including ourselves. That’s right; I even push myself to new fitness goals. As Omaha personal trainers we provide tools needed to achieve any fitness goal big or small.

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Over the last few years Omaha Weight Training has become the new trend. I am an Omaha Certified Personal Trainer at Endless Possibilities Training Systems. Below I have provided a few tips to keep your body in balance while performing an intense weight training program. If you have any questions regarding how to start a weight training program feel free to contact me today.


Warming up is the 1st and most important step to any weight training program. Cardio is a great warm up exercise as it gets your body awake and ready. As an Omaha Certified Personal Trainer I always advise my clients to warm up on the stair stepper or treadmill for 5 minutes prior to starting a weight training session. The main reason for a warm up is the body can be a well-oiled machine but it needs an idle time to wake up so it can offer you 100%. Much like a truck in the cold

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Yo YoDo you ever catch yourself doing the Yo-Yo? I am not referring to “Rock the baby” where you construct a cradle while having the yo-yo hang neatly in the middle of the triangle string. I mean do you find your weight going up and down no matter what diet, pill or exercise you are doing?

We have been lead to believe that getting the body of movie stars can be achieved by drinking a 24 hour miracle drink or shaking a product on our food without changing our eating habits. With the ads on TV we are shown instant results without direction on the fitness and exercise that needs to take place. Many view working out as a once-in-a while thing to fit into that wedding dress or temporary make yourself feel better and it needs to be a lifestyle habit. There is no

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One common question any gym owner or personal weight trainer will get asked, “Why should I train with you versus a local gym with certified personal trainers on staff?”

As a gym owner and certified personal trainer in Omaha, I love this question because I came from one of those corporate gyms. I received my certification on personal training from a big local gym in Omaha and hit the top sales performance while on that team. I even became a manager who had certified personal trainers men and women below me with a quota of memberships that were required. Now, I may have made the above

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After a lot of hard work and dedication from our Endless Possibilities Training Systems Staff, we are excited to announce that Endless Possibilities Training Systems will be relocated to a new facility in December 2011. Through expansion, EPTS has once again shown that they are one of the most preferred personal training facilities in Omaha, NE. The expansion will offer more square footage to help additional people lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

Best of Omaha has recognized our personal trainers and training facility for 2011.  Endless Possibilities Training Systems was created as a personalized weight training facility with one-on-one certified personal training services to men, woman and children.  

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MotivatedWhen I prepare a workout routine for a scheduled client I think of how to maximize the time I have with each client. As a certified personal trainer in Omaha, I review the goals my client would like to achieve and create a customized workout tailored to each client. A customized workout is very important as everyone’s weight training goals are different. Some are looking to lose weight, others might want to gain weight, at times

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sore neck? By Aidan Jones
As a personal trainer with Endless Possibilities located in Omaha, one question I get often mainly from women;  “Is muscle soreness normal?” When going from the couch to a workout plan or even if you work out on a normal schedule but increase the intensity of your strength training you will feel the change in your body. You will have muscles awaken in your workout that you didn’t even know you had.

The muscle soreness you might experience after a workout session is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). A certain percentage of soreness is normal and with time it will go away. When it comes to DOMS I always tell my clients to trust

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