How You Can I Help You Train Me Better?

August 22, 2011

A personal trainer will help you reach your goals by providing education about strength training along with accountability on nutrition. They give you that extra nudge when your mind shuts down and says to your body, “I cannot do anymore.” Personal trainers are there to celebrate your victories and also create a new game plan if there is a defeat. Have you ever asked your trainer, how can I help you train me better?

Here is how you can help your trainer:

Show up to your session on time with a positive attitude.  A client is filled with optimism that is contagious when they first sign up. They set a goal and they want to get there as quick as possible. In life you will have a bad day at work, or life just doesn’t seem to be going right. I suggest leaving all the stress at the door when you come to the gym. After all you have taken the first step and that is by showing up so now you can let your trainer assist you in what you need to do so you can feel 100% accomplished in your training session.

Focus on what the trainer is telling you to do versus talking during your session. Having a personal relationship with your trainer is very important. I would suggest making sure that you are paying attention to your stance and breathing. If you like to multitask feel free to jabber away. Just realize that some activities within the workout routine might require a little more concentration than others.

Prepare your body by eating a proper healthy meal before your workout. If you do not eat your body will become weak during your workout session. And you can become distracted from your stomach screaming at you. Be sure to hydrate!

Give at least 24 hour notice if you need to reschedule or cancel your training session. Life happens and  and personal trainers realize you might have to cancel with little notice. We just ask to be respectful of our time as we are for yours.

If you have a problem with your personal trainer be sure to talk about it. There could have been a error in communication. As a personal trainer I am here to change lives for the positive. I will take you beyond your comfort zone, be sure to communicate if a coaching or mentoring technique is not working for you so I can find one that will.

Hold yourself accountable. Personal trainers are with you within the gym, but they cannot keep our eyes on you 24/7. If you have a goal to lose weight stick to it by eating right and doing you’re assigned workouts outside of training sessions. If you are not seeing the weight drop off like you hoped set a meeting to speak with your trainer. Help your trainer out by writing down what goes in your mouth. Losing weight is not an exact science as every person’s progress is different.

Feel free to contact us at your convenience with any questions on our weight training techniques or motivation styles.