You have worked really hard to lose pounds while reducing inches by performing an intense work out program. You have been completely dedicated with your face time at our Omaha Fitness Center. You educated yourself on clean eating, exercise tips and achieving goals by reading my knowledge filled articles. And hopefully by now you have been successful in achieving if not one several of your weight loss goals. The big challenge is that you still have loose skin around your body especially your legs. Ladies refer this problem as ‘cottage cheese’ legs which can also appear on the rear end. So you ask, “how do you get rid of that?”

Once weight loss is achieved you need to focus on new goals like tightening certain areas
or sculpting that killer-six pack. I even recommend focusing on a place of weakness like an exercise activity you find yourself hating. Mastering a new area or being pushed out of the comfort zone is always a good thing. When you push yourself with new goals you are keeping your body and mind strong while reaping the benefits of staying healthy. Now, onto the three suggestions I recommend for getting rid of those jelly jiggler legs.

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Certified Trainers in Omaha with Endless Possibilities Training Systems practice what they preach regarding intense weight training, accomplishing goals and taking strength to a new level. A question posted all over the EPTS Omaha Fitness Center is, “What are you training for?” Some people train for better health, others train to say they did it and several people weight train because they are a part of the Endless Possibilities Training Systems community. The certified trainers with EPTS weight train for all the above reasons and more, they set the example for all of their clients.

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Welcome back for Tummy Tuesday by Certified Omaha Personal Trainer with Endless Possibilities Training Systems. Last week within Part 1 of Tummy Tuesday we learned: abs will not appear overnight, if you don’t get rid of those love handles a million crunches will not help that killer-six pack appear and you can’t buy Ryan Reynolds abs from a magazine.

This week Tummy Tuesday Part 2 answers the popular question, “Why does my boyfriend get faster fitness results than I do?” You will understand why everyone needs an intense weight training program. Ladies, this is an important section for you! Intense weight training is NOT only for men! Hope you enjoy the following feedback from our Certified Omaha Personal Trainer.

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When you decide to make a lifestyle change you have to clean your closet. No, I am not talking about spring cleaning. It’s a metaphor stating you need to evaluate everything in your life. Sit back and think of all aspects of in your life from health, to relationships, to your outlook on life. For a weight loss program to work and be effective Today and long term you have to be willing to make a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle. This means eating healthy and making the correct choices regarding fitness. You will experience many sacrifices like not participating in happy hour beverages. Some sacrifices will seem small while others will appear as deal breakers.

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Being within the Omaha fitness industry I come across plenty of resources that I pass onto our clients. A lot of the advice I pass on I have learned from fitness educational classes, life experiences and other experts within the Omaha fitness industry. Today I am sharing the article I shared on Facebook last week from Craig Bongelli at Westside Barbell.

As a Omaha Personal Trainer, I have high respect for Westside Barbell and became certified through their program.  If you ever have a chance to visit their gym, do it! These guys are industry leaders when it comes to strength training programs. This gym is always willing to help you learn what you need to gain muscle while providing the education needed to know why you are doing what you are doing.

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Several people crave to have a killer six-pack like ‘The Situation’ but have no idea what it takes to achieve. Getting a killer six-pack takes a intense workout routine, a clean diet and a dedication that goes beyond hitting the gym two times a week.

As an Omaha Personal Trainer at Endless Possibilities Training Systems, I have provided four ab expectations from my part one Tummy Tuesday education section. Over the next few weeks I will help answer basic questions like, “How do I trade in my keg of a tummy and get a full six pack of light beer?” and “Will I ever get magazine abs?”

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People may think that visiting a gym is only needed when looking to lose weight for an event/summer vacation, this is NOT the case. Visiting a gym often can help your body reach its ultimate health and even void common colds. As Certified Personal Trainers in Omaha we offer people the opportunity to meet and exceed fitness goals. Often time’s people will see their weight loss results faster if they have a personal trainer involved versus attending the gym by themselves. Why do you ask? First a personal trainer is an industry expert; we know what works and what doesn’t. We become a life coach for each client by holding people accountable every day, including ourselves. That’s right; I even push myself to new fitness goals. As Omaha personal trainers we provide tools needed to achieve any fitness goal big or small.

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